Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Presidential Debate!

On September 26, 2008 McCain and Obama went face front in the first presidentail debate of 2008. Many have different views as to who won but I will provide the stats which follwed the debate. McCain came off much more aggressive as he talked with authority mixed with rhetoric and a condenscending tone. Time and time he talked on Obama undermining his character and insulting his intelligence. For example he never once looked at Obama acknowledging his presence and contstantly told the moderator that Obama did not understand many aspects of the topics. In conclusion he stated Obama did not have the knowledge nor experience to run the country. On the oppsing side, Obama held himself with such elequence, dissmissing many of the rude remarks coming from McCain. He even went on several times to say that McCain brought up some really good points. some thought that was'nt such a good idea. However, the statistics show without a doubt Obama won.

CBS News: Obama won 39%, McCain won 25%, Draw 36%
Insider Advantage: Obama won 42%, McCain won 41%, Undecided: 17%
CNN: Obama "did better" 51%, McCain "did better" 38%

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